Bruker X-ray Diffraction System

The Bruker D8 Dsicover SRD instrument is an easy, failsafe system which uses third generation Göbel Mirrors to provide maximal X-Ray flux density, which is essential for all thin film applications. High performance optics are selected and exchanged to provide the best resolution for each application and sample. XRD Wizard and XRD Commander perform comprehensive measurements by utilizing intelligent scripts, with the help of LEPTOS and MULTEX Area evaluation programs. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Key Features and Applications

  • Motorized absorber for fully automatic operation without user intervention.
  • Stages: UMC stages and Eulerian cradles for residual stress, texture, micro-diffraction and other investigations. Special stage for temperature studies 30 – 900°C
  • Detectors: Ultra GID for nanometer layers and the VANTEC-1 detector for reciprocal space maps.
  • Softwares:  XRD Wizard, XRD Commander, LEPTOS and MULTEX Area.


General Documentation

XRD SOP (standard operation procedure)

Note: If you are planning to use the X-ray diffractometer you must obtain a Certificate of Analytical X-Ray Training from the Radiation Safety Office: email contact at, or via phone at 412-624-2728.  In the request form, please indicate the NFCF as the location where your ring will be sent - rings are maintained at the location of the primary exposure risk on campus.  After completion of the radiation safety training and receipt of your radiation ring, we can schedule equipment training.

Photo of the XRD


Susheng Tan and Dan Lamont 


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Equipment Fee

Characterization Service 1

Radiation Safety Training prerequisit required for this equipment

Prior to training on this equipment, you must obtain a Certificate of Analytical X-Ray Training from the Radiation Safety Office.
To request this training, email contact at, or via phone at 412-624-2728. 

After completion of the radiation safety training, please provide your certificate to the training personnel, then we can schedule equipment training.