Dimension Icon Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)

The Bruker Dimension Icon Atomic Force microscopy [AFM] is a high-performance tip-scanning AFM platform. This system can accommodate samples with diameters ≤ 210mm and thicknesses ≤ 15 mm, has an X-Y scan range approaching 90 µm and a Z range approaching 10 µm. It is versatile, system capable of performing an array of scanning probe-based techniques, in air or liquid.  ScanAsyst automated parameter optimization and preconfigured experimental profiles streamlines operation and helps facilitate reliable and repeatable measurements. 

  • This AFM is controlled by a NanoScope VI controller, released 2021, which has enhanced high-speed data capture capabilities and can simultaneously display and capture up eight high pixel density images (up to 5120 x 5120 pixels).


Key Features

  • Large area scanner, with low noise XYZ closed loop scan head
  • Mechanical Property Mapping
    • Includes PeakForce Quantitative Nanoscale Mechanical [QNM] characterization, which is capable of operating over a wide range. 1MPa to 50 GPA for modulus and 10pN to 10 uN for adhesion. PeakForce QNM | Bruker
  • Electrical Characterization
    • PeakForce TUNA: High resolution current mapping and correlated quantitative nanomechanical property imaging, suitable for a wide range of samples and capable of operating current sensing in the fA to µA ranges.  PeakForce TUNA | Bruker

Key Applications and available processes

  • Standard AFM modes: ScanAsyst, PeakForce Tapping, TappingMode, Contact Mode, Lateral Force Microscopy, PhaseImaging, Lift Mode, MFM, Surface Potential, EFM, Force Spectroscopy, Force Volume, Piezoresponse Microscopy
  • Advanced optional AFM modes:
    • PeakForce QNM
    • PeakForce TUNA
    • Force Modulation, Torisional Resonance Mode, liquid mode imaging

Photo of the Bruker Icon AFM

General Documentation 

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)


Dan Lamont or Susheng Tan


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